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Fast Seduction Happens More Often
Than You Might Think


he concept of fast seduction sounds very attractive to most shy guys for the same reason that "get rich quick" schemes appeal to working people who are struggling to get ahead.

Seducing women - or getting rich - are very daunting challenges for many people, after all. Each can take a lot of time and effort and there are no guarantees of eventual success. Therefore, anyone who promises a quick and easy solution will usually get our attention.

fast seduction does happen
Fast seduction does happen

But can you get rich quick? Sure … buying the right lottery ticket can get you there. But even successful executives will admit that there was quite an element of luck in their rapid ascent.

And is fast seduction possible? That's also a "yes".

If you're very good-looking, very prosperous or somewhat famous, for example, speedy seduction will be the norm. You'll routinely be able to "close the deal" with many of the women you meet and to do it very quickly after meeting them.

But what if you're like most guys (average-looking, often strapped for funds and unknown)? Will this make speed seduction an unattainable dream for you?

“… but the next guy to put a move on her (and not make any rookie mistakes) will be likely to score …”

Amazingly enough, it won't. Just as with lottery tickets or climbing the corporate ladder, occasionally you'll get lucky. Succeeding in a speed seduction attempt often comes down to being "in the right place at the right time".

So it's quite possible for even an average guy to end up in bed with a new women within an hour or so of meeting her. Scoring that quickly is the exception rather than the rule but it happens more often than most men realize.

She may...

  • Have been stood up by the guy who was supposed to meet her,
  • Have just been dumped by her boyfriend, or
  • Be really bored

... but the next guy to put a move on her (and not make any rookie mistakes) will be likely to score.

But those are gifts …

You can't plan them in advance

All you can do when the chance arises is to keep going further for as long as she keeps saying yes.

Even in other situations, though, seduction is unlikely to be a long drawn-out process. That's because a key prerequisite for any successful seduction is that she be interested in you.

However, female interest has a very short half-life: if you haven't closed the deal within a couple of attempts, your odds of success drop dramatically. That's as much time as it takes most women to begin losing interest.

Women really do bore that easily

So the phrase "fast seduction" is a good marketing tool for vendors selling "how to seduce a woman" information, but it's largely a gimmick. That's because fast seduction is a goal rather than a "magic formula". But once you master seduction techniques, all your successful seductions will move quickly.

So if things aren't moving fairly quickly when you’re trying to seduce a new woman, then it probably isn’t going to happen with her at all. It's time to move on to the next opportunity.

Learn more about fast seduction or other aspects of the seduction game on our main Seduction page.